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Welcome To Astrology World

Astrology In Your Hand

Sun-Sign Astrology

Astrology is an immeasurably old discipline, and has exerted a powerful influence on whole civilizations. It developed in the Middle Eastern "cradle o civilizations".  some 5,000 years ago, but there is evidence to suggest that its origins may go back to Paleolithic times. Certainly, it has played no small part in directing the course of events, if only because powerful leaders from the dawn o history to modern times have been strongly influenced by it.

The earliest surviving specific astrological records date back only to the 7th century BC, but fragments of documents from the reign of Sargon of Agate in Mesopotamia indicate that the positions of the sun, moon, the five known planets and other phenomena such as the comments were used for making predictions as early as 2870 BC. There are even older star charts from Egypt, but it was the Chileans of  Babylonia who, with their detailed observations, laid the basis of the astrological system still in use today.


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